CE Belgelendirme

CE Belgelendirme için SEO Uyumlu Bir Advertoryal Metin CE Nedir ve Neden Gerekli? CE işareti, ürünlerin Avrupa Birliği’nin sağlık, güvenlik ve çevre standartlarına uygun olduğunu gösteren en önemli belgelendirme işaretlerinden biridir. CE belgesi, ürününüzün Avrupa yönergelerine uygun şekilde tasarlandığını, üretildiğini ve test edildiğini ifade eder. Bu belge, yalnızca Avrupa pazarına …


IAF The IAF is the world association of Conformity Assessment Accreditation Bodies and other bodies interested in conformity assessment in the fields of management systems, products, services, personnel and other similar programmes of conformity assessment. Its primary function is to develop a single worldwide program of conformity assessment which reduces risk for …


  IOAS GCL International Ltd is accredited for ISO/IEC 17065, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Textile Exchange (CCS, OCS, RCS, GRS, RDS, RMS and RWS). There us accreditation link: IOAS GCL GCL International Qatar is ready to provide services for audit and certification of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) …

Higg Index

Higg Index The Higg Index is an apparel and footwear industry self-assessment standard for assessing environmental and social sustainability throughout the supply chain. It was developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, a nonprofit organization founded by a group of fashion companies.   What Is Higg FEM? The Higg facility environmental module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability …


FSSC Accreditation: The FSSC 22000 Scheme is managed by Foundation FSSC 22000 and governed by an independent Board of Stakeholders, consisting of representatives from several sectors in the food industry. To ensure transparency and involvement of the industry, an Advisory Committee makes recommendations regarding several topics, including technical aspects like …